Our Farmers

  • Carlos Ignacio Lopez

    La Mejorana, Quimbaya, Colombia

  • Don Gilberto coffee farmer

    Don Gilberto Rojas

    Finca la Florida, Acevedo, Huila, Colombia

  • Daniela Coffee Farmer

    Daniela y Dany Cuellar

    El Brasil, Gigante, Huila, Colombia

  • Hector y Marcela Belalcazar

    San Victorino, Timbio, Cauca, Colombia

Carlos Ignacio Lopez 

Quimbaya, Quindio, Colombia

“ My biggest motivation in growing coffee is that this farm is a legacy from my grandfather, so it is a precious family tradition and I am privileged to maintain this heritage. In Colombia we practice agriculture as a tradition, and any family who are farmer’s will keep their tradition alive forever.

The person that I love the most is my grandfather, because he left me his farm that he started and built with his own hands, and this farm has given me everything in my life, so I owe it to him and to my future grandchildren to keep on being a coffee farmer and to keep alive the tradition that has been in our family for more than 100 years. That is why I love farming and why I am passionate about my coffee, because it is the legacy of our ancestors. “

Don Gilberto Rojas 

Finca la Florida, Acevedo, Huila, Colombia

Gilberto Rojas Mosquera is an expert in caficultura and growing coffee. From the age of 8 he helped his father on the family farm, learning about everything involved with farming. 

Now, at the age of 52, he is the winner of the Cup of Excellence competition, organized by the Colombian National Coffee Institute. 

“As a father, I'm so pleased that all my children are very knowledgeable and share my love for coffee farming, its different processes and new coffee varieties. Coffee is the base of our economy and very much part of our culture, we live for coffee and our life is coffee. It is our gift to the world.

Daniela and Dany Cuellar

El Brasil, Gigante, Huila, Colombia

Daniela Cuellar is a young female Colombian farmer. Her family was forced to relocate many years ago due to civil unrest. Almost 10 years ago, she and her partner began developing a piece of land with coffee plants, with the hope of making a living. They started by planting 1500 Castillo trees over 7 years ago. Their dream was to grow coffee and support their family. Through years of hard work, they have developed an international business exporting coffee to many countries. Their coffee is smooth and rich. We look forward to working with her in years to come at their farm, El Brasil, in Gigante, Huila, Colombia.

Hector y Marcela Belalcazar

San Victorino, Timbio, Cauca, Colombia

6 years ago, Hector and Marcela took a leap of faith; they decided to plant around 2500 Geisha trees on their farm, reducing their output in coffee in search of the best possible cup profile.

“The Geisha is very special -it is grown organically, in 80% humidity, along with natural local vegetation including Guamo Nogal Cafetero, Yarumos Robles, Guayacanes and lots of trees that keep our crop in harmony with mother nature. We grow less coffee this way, but it is a worthwhile sacrifice, because it will permit us to have a better quality of coffee, and quality of life. We want to grow our coffee farm and our local economy with this unique variety.”